
Book Review: Hell Hound by Jack Ruben

I didn’t know what to expect when I started this book. A story about a hitman who messed up a job and has a hellhound after him? I started reading and found myself in a tale about a cartel run by a fearsome woman, with a daughter seemingly sheltered from the violence and illegality of a life of crime. The tale takes a turn when our hitman’s path links with this young woman, when she takes pity on him in a seemingly vulnerable moment, a gesture she soon lives to regret. Their actions soon link them together in a journey of discovery, about themselves, their past, and what is to become their future. What they have left of it anyway. 

For much of the story, I felt I was reading a crime/thriller/action/drama. Then we meet the person waiting in the wings. The person who has been waiting for the young woman to become of age, and to take her place. This person works with the young woman’s mother, and not in a nice capacity. I don’t want to say any more, because it will ruin the plot twists, but suffice it to say, the supernatural element in the story really ramp up! The hellhound we get introduced to eventually is horrifying, cruel, heartless and terrifying, and we find ourselves wishing we could stay back in the earlier pages of the book, where our characters were still learning about one another, and finding their way. The story brings a lot of people into play, and links them all together well, developing a great rapport between them all, even in the most stressful and unusual of circumstances. It is a gruesome read, but full of twists, and engaging, and will keep you on the edge of your seat for sure!

This is also actually book two in this series, but it worked well as a stand-alone. I shall be going back to read book one, and I look forward (with some trepidation) to a potential book three?!

*I received this book from Book Sirens for review, but all opinions are my own.

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